07 kwietnia 2008

Free AVG 8.0 Anti-Virus License Number (with Anti-Spyware and Anti-Rootkit) for 8 Months » Tip and Trick

AVG 8.0 Pro s the latest version of security software from AVG Technologies, succeeding AVG AntiVirus Professional 7.5. The main product in AVG 8.0 is AVG Internet Security 8.0 which, similar to Avast! Anti-Virus 4.8, incorporates anti-virus, anti-spyware, anti-rootkit, anti-spam, web shield and LinkScanner site warning toolbar all into one. AVG Anti-Virus excludes firewall and anti-spam, while AVG 7.5 only has anti-virus functionality...
Free AVG 8.0 Anti-Virus License Number (with Anti-Spyware and Anti-Rootkit) for 8 Months » Tip and Trick
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