13 stycznia 2006

Windows "Monad" Shell Beta 3

Neowin.net - Where unprofessional journalism looks better - Windows "Monad" Shell Beta 3: "Windows 'Monad' Shell Beta 3 (for .NET Framework 2.0 RTM) x86
Windows 'Monad' Shell is a new interactive command-line and task-based scripting technology in Windows that enables administrators to more efficiently and securely automate and control system management tasks on both desktops and servers.

Windows 'Monad' Shell Beta 3 (for .NET Framework 2.0 RTM) x64
Windows 'Monad' Shell is a new interactive command-line and task-based scripting technology in Windows that enables administrators to more efficiently and securely automate and control system management tasks on both desktops and servers.

Windows 'Monad' Shell Beta 3 Documentation Pack
Documentation on the Windows 'Monad' Shell, including the 'Getting Started' guide and the Hands-On Labs from PDC05."

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