programowanie, technologie, internet, web, web2.0, startups, google, apple, mozilla, firefox, chrome
30 stycznia 2006
Jim Allchin Talks Windows Vista "'On Wednesday morning, I met with Microsoft co-president Jim Allchin, the man most directly responsible for Windows Vista and Longhorn Server, the company's upcoming client and server operating system releases. Allchin is a soft-spoken, intelligent man with decades of industry experience, the last 15 years of which were spent at Microsoft. I've run into Mr. Allchin at various events throughout the years, but the last time I sat down with him for a one-on-one meeting was in August 2001, when we discussed the then-upcoming release of Windows XP. With Windows Vista on track for a late 2006 release, Allchin hit the road to meet with members of the technical press.'"
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- Z wykształcenia programista, z zamiłowania pasjonat technologii internetowych, w pracy głównie jako redaktor i twórca wizerunku. Oprócz codziennego badania życia na Flaker, Twitter, Blip, prowadzi własną stronę o internecie i związanych z nim technologiach, w szczególności tych, które przedstawiają Google, Apple, Microsoft i Mozilla.
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