As expected, Google on Friday announced several new products. "Google Pack, a bundle of software from Google and other companies that was announced by the Web giant on Friday, is aimed squarely at consumers. But Google's goal is to be the front end for everything people do on a computer, and enterprise use is not far off, analysts and solution providers said." Google also enters the video-on-demand business: "Google announced a service Friday that will let people rent or buy downloadable videos online, including classic and contemporary CBS television shows and NBA basketball games."
programowanie, technologie, internet, web, web2.0, startups, google, apple, mozilla, firefox, chrome
09 stycznia 2006
Googles Announces Google Pack, Video-on-Demand
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- volfen
- Z wykształcenia programista, z zamiłowania pasjonat technologii internetowych, w pracy głównie jako redaktor i twórca wizerunku. Oprócz codziennego badania życia na Flaker, Twitter, Blip, prowadzi własną stronę o internecie i związanych z nim technologiach, w szczególności tych, które przedstawiają Google, Apple, Microsoft i Mozilla.
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