07 sierpnia 2006

Cheat Sheet Roundup - Over 30 Cheatsheets for developers

Cheat Sheet Roundup - Over 30 Cheatsheets for developers: "Cheat Sheet Roundup - Over 30 Cheatsheets for developers

Lets face it, unless you have a photographic memory, no developer can remember all the different functions, options, tags, etc. that exist. Documentation can be cumbersome at times, thats why I like cheat sheets. They are quick references that feature the most commonly forgotten things on a specific topic. You can print them out and hang them on your wall, or just keep them handy in your bookmarks for quick reference.

I have rounded up over 30 cheatsheets that developers might find useful.
Web Development Cheat Sheets

* JavaScript
* Hex Codes
* HTML Entities

Databases / SQL Cheat Sheets

* Oracle
* Sybase........"

The Hello World of AJAX

The Hello World of AJAX: "This tutorial will teach you how to create a hello world web page using AJAX technologies. Odds are if you found this tutorial, then you have created a 'Hello World!' program before. Hello World is the most basic program that you can write, and every language out there has one written. It basically shows you how to use the language or technology to display a result on the screen.

Our AJAX hello, world web page will do just that, display 'hello, world' using AJAX. This tutorial is a perfect starting point if you have never done anything with AJAX before and are just looking for a place to get started. If you do know the basics of AJAX, then you would probably be better off with my AJAX Chat Tutorial or AJAX Suggest Tutorial for a little bit more advanced functionality."

04 sierpnia 2006

Stumble :)

Hey hey Stumble :)

GnomeFiles - GNOME/GTK+ Software Repository

GnomeFiles - GNOME/GTK+ Software Repository: "Label and business card creation program for GNOME.

gLabels is a lightweight program for creating labels and business cards for the GNOME desktop environment. It is designed to work with various laser/ink-jet peel-off label and business card sheets that you'll find at most office supply stores."

Moja aktywność w sieci

O mnie

Moje zdjęcie
Z wykształcenia programista, z zamiłowania pasjonat technologii internetowych, w pracy głównie jako redaktor i twórca wizerunku. Oprócz codziennego badania życia na Flaker, Twitter, Blip, prowadzi własną stronę www.webatech.pl o internecie i związanych z nim technologiach, w szczególności tych, które przedstawiają Google, Apple, Microsoft i Mozilla.